Existing Funds
- Adeline Strouse Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are used to maintain the Mothers Memorial in Ashland. More >
- Andrew and Lauretta Olinick Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund provides a scholarship to a graduate of Williams Valley School District who plans to earn a degree in one of the following career paths - college or university: candidate must be enrolled in the study of a STEM (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) related career; trade school studies: candidate must be enrolled in the study of building, mechanical, or industrial trades; technical school studied: candidate must be enrolled in the study of engineering, architecture, electronics, or trades (building, mechanical, industrial).
- Andrew Neidlinger Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of Mahanoy Area High School who plans to enter a medically-oriented post-secondary program. Preference shall be given first to a member of the school's football team, second to a member of the high school's cheerleader squad, and lastly to other members of the graduating class. More >
- Ashland American Legion Post 434 Fund
Annual distributions shall be provided to the American Legion Post 434 for its general purposes.
- Darlis E. Berger Memorial Fund
The Darlis E. Berger Memorial Fund was established in benevolent memory of a loving, Devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. Throughout her life, Darlis tried to help others through various endeavors, but always in a quiet, non-assuming manner. She was an advocate for education, reading, and helping those in need. This memorial fund will support her three favorite charities with yearly distributions: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, The Salvation Army, and the Ashland Public Library. More >
- Ashland Area Historic Preservation Society Endowment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Ashland Area Historic Preservation Society for such uses and purposes as the organization shall determine. More >
- Ashland Area Midget Football Association, Inc. Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Ashland Area Midget Football Association, Inc.
- Ashland Downtown, Inc. Fund
The annual distributions of this Fund shall be used for the upkeep, maintenance, and beautification of the Hoffman Boulevard Islands and the Hoffman Memorial in Ashland, PA.
- Ashland Girl Scout Campership Fund
Distributions from this fund are used to pay for the attendance of Brownies, Junior Girl Scouts, Cadet Girl Scouts, and Senior Girl Scouts at camp.
- Ashland Public Library Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Ashland Public Library for the use by the library in defraying the expenses of its activities.
- Ashland Tri-Centennial Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Ashland Borough Council for the benefit of the citizens of Ashland and for the general purposes of the borough. More >
- Ashland Volunteer Fire Department, Washington Fire Company No. 1 and American Fire Company No. 1 Trust
Distributions from this fund are made to the fire companies to assist them in obtaining and maintaining their fire fighting equipment.
- Beatrice Wasley Legacy Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Sisters of St. Casimir located in Chicago, Illinois to be used for personal care needs of the Sisters who are retired. More >
- Bethany Children's Home Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Bethany Children's Home for such uses and purposes as the Bethany Children's Home shall determine. More >
- Betsy Rubright Kent Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of North Schuylkill High School who excels in home economics.
- Butch Kennedy Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Anthracite Region Center for Independent Living - Disability Action Crew for it to provide direct financial assistance on a planned or emergency basis to individuals with an open case with the Organization which will assist those individuals in becoming and/or maintaining their independence. More >
- Carl F. Reichwein, M.D. Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to St. Mauritius and St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Churches, or the consolidated church (which is currently St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church) Ashland to provide financial aid for children of the two parishes in obtaining education in Catholic elementary schools.
- The Celestine and Lawrence Pekala Fund
Distributions from this fund will be made annually to HIllside SPCA, Hazleton Animal Shelter, Salvation Army.
- Chamber of Commerce Christmas Decoration Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Ashland Chamber of Commerce for its use in providing the annual Ashland Christmas decorations.
- Cornelius J. McFadden and Anna M. McFadden Memorial Trust Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to St. Joseph's Catholic Church and St. Mauritius Catholic Church, or its successor (which is currently St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church) Ashland, Ashland Public Library, Diakon Volunteer Home Care, and to projects as selected by the Directors.
- Craig R. Troutman Memorial Award Fund
This fund provides an award to graduating seniors of Pottsville Area High School and of Nativity B.V.M. High School who are planning to pursue a degree in Secondary Education and who meet the criteria established by the donor. If there are no qualified students entering into the post-secondary education field in any given year, then the award shall be made to the student who has attained the highest GPA in English.
- David Lee Sener Memorial Award
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class at North Schuylkill High School who is the outstanding member of the brass section of the high school band. More >
- David R. Schmaldienst Music Award Fund
This fund provides an award to a graduating senior of Tri-Valley High School pursuing post-secondary education and majoring in Music or related field. The student must be accepted into a four-year undergraduate program on a full-time basis. Candidates will be considered based on musicianship, achievements, leadership ability, academic achievement, extra-curricular involvement, as well as financial need. More >
- David W. McClafferty Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Hillside Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for such uses and purposes as the organization shall determine. More >
- Davis / Boehmer Family Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Emmanuel Church of Christ, Nuremberg-Weston Fire Company, Nuremberg Community Ambulance Association, and Twin County Lions Club Foundation. More >
- Dorothy and Edward Clevenstine Lourdes Regional Catholic High School Scholarship Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Lourdes Regional Catholic High School students who are residents of the borough of Mount Carmel and require financial support for tuition costs throughout their high school education.
- Edward H. Watkins Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of North Schuylkill High School who has excelled in swimming. More >
- Eleanor Wasley Chaikowsky Academic Award
This Fund was established to acknowledge a female member of the graduating class of Shenandoah Valley who has a strong aptitude and interest in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics and plans to further her education in this field. More >
- Elizabeth Keiser Moser R.N. Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Saint Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in Pottsville to specifically support youth activities within the parish and four (4) Masses per year to be scheduled by the parish in memory of Elizabeth Keiser Moser. More >
- Elmer W. Toewe Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Ashland Little League Baseball, Inc.
- Emma T. Irwin Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of the North Schuylkill High School who excels in art.
- Ethel M. Jones Ermert, R. N. Memorial Award in Obstetrics
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing who has the highest mark in Obstetrics.
- Eureka Park Fund
Distributions from this fund are used for repairs and maintenance of Eureka Park, Ashland.
- Felker-Smith Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of North Schuylkill High School, who demonstrates superior academic effort over his/her high school career. Student or parent/legal guardian must be an active member of the Lavelle Volunteer Fire Company for a minimum of two years (social members excluded).
- First Baptist Church of Ashland Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Ashland Public Library, Baptist Children's Services, Washington Fire Company #1, American Hose Company, Schuylkill Women in Crisis, and provides an award to a member of the graduating class of North Schuylkill High School pursuing a degree in the nursing field.
- Foundation for Agriculture and Resource Management Shadle Nature Center / Weston Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Foundation for Agriculture and Resource Management for the Dr. James S. Shadle Nature Center and Bear Creek Environmental Area. More >
- Frackville Free Public Library Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Frackville Free Public Library for such uses and purposes as determined by the Library.
- Fred J. Wiest and Elizabeth S. Wiest Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are used to support The Charles Baber Cemetery Preservation Trust of Pottsville, PA for the maintenance, repair, and improvement of the Charles Baber Cemetery. More >
- Gabriel Chamber Ensemble Endowment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Gabriel Chamber Ensemble for such uses and purposes as determined by the organization.
- George J. and Catherine Schilling Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Washington Fire Company No. 1 in Ashland. More >
- Higher Ups Park Fund
Distributions from this fund are used for maintenance of Higher-Ups Park, Ashland.
- The Jack Travis Memorial Award
This fund provides an award to a graduating high school senior of North Schuylkill High School who has excelled in History throughout his or her high school career.
- James R. Kruss Memorial Award Fund
This fund provides an award to graduating high school seniors of Pottsville Area High School who are enrolled in the Carpentry Program at Schuylkill Technology Center. More >
- Jean A. Tielman, R. N., Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of Nativity B.V.M. High School who is pursuing training leading to an R.N. diploma or a B.S.N. degree.
- Jeffrey Donnelly Memorial Award Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of Mahanoy Area High School who is an athlete at the time of graduation and plans to further his/her education. More >
- John and Anna Breitigan Memorial Award Fund
This fund provides awards to students who are Schuylkill County residents enrolled at The Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing. Preference will be given to students who reside in the Borough of St. Clair or City of Pottsville. More >
- Johnson-Beckno (Pechno) Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Society for Crippled Children of Schuylkill County, Schuylkill Women in Crisis, and Sexual Assault Resource and Counseling Center of Schuylkill County. More >
- John Reese Family Community Fund for Schuylkill Haven
This fund will financially support qualified organizations and projects or programs principally conducted in or serving the residents of the Borough of Schuylkill Haven.
- Jonathan “Feet” Palubinsky Memorial Award
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of Mahanoy Area High School who has demonstrated the most "Bear Pride" throughout their high school career.
- Joseph M. O'Neill, Jr. Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a graduating senior whose course of study was Electromechanical/Industrial Automation and Robotics at the Schuylkill Technology Center. More >
- Ken Smulligan Memorial Tamaqua Train Station Endowment Fund
Annual distribution made to TACP for use in the restoration, improvement, repair and maintenance of the Tamaqua Train Station located at 18 N. Railroad St. Tamaqua, PA.
- Lasting Legacy for Pottsville Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Lasting Legacy for Pottsville for such uses and purposes as determined by the organization. More >
- Leonard Chaikowsky Academic Award
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of Shenandoah Valley High School who plans to pursue educational study and who has performed credibly both academically and in service to the community which makes up the Shenandoah Valley School District. More >
- Leonard Chaikowsky II Children's Holiday Fund
The Fund's annual distribution shall be made to the Shenandoah Area Free Public Library to purchase and distribute gifts during the December Holidays to children of families residing in the greater Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, area community.
- Leonard L. Ludinsky Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to graduating high school senior of Mahanoy Area High School who excels in business subjects and plans to attend a college or university to major in Business Administration or Accounting.
- Leslie E. Harner Instrumental Music Memorial Fund
This fund provides awards to graduating seniors who are members of the Tremont Fire Company Community Band. More >
- Loretta Pollack Woznisky-Lonoskie Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of Pottsville Area High School who has demonstrated concern and dedication to preserving the environment and sustaining our green spaces. More >
- Marie M. Campbell Scholarship Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Nativity B.V.M. High School and Marian High School to defray the tuition of students attending the Catholic high schools.
- Mark R. Bell Memorial Award
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of North Schuylkill High School who is going to pursue a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education.
- Mark and Wanda Edelman Fund
This fund provides an award to a female member of the graduating class of North Schuylkill High School who is planning to attend Bloomsburg University on a full-time basis and to major in secondary education. If in any year there is no student attending Bloomsburg, then the award shall be made to a female member of the graduating class of North Schuylkill High School who is planning to attend any college or university on a full-time basis and to major in secondary education.
- Martha M. Herbert & Michael J. Herbert, M.D. Charitable Trust
Distributions from this fund are made to the Minersville Public Library, St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic School, Minersville Area School District, and provides scholarships to graduates of Minersville Area High School and Nativity B.V.M. High School.
- Mary E. and Warren E. Wert and Gertrude C. Shuler Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of the Millersburg Area High School who is going to pursue a degree in Elementary or Secondary Education.
- Maud M. Prichard Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of North Schuylkill High School who excels in mathematics.
- Mechanicsville Ladies Auxiliary Award Fund
This fund provides awards to members of the graduating class of Pottsville Area High School who have resided in the borough of Mechanicsville during all four years of his/her high school career.
- Melba S. Royal and Robert A. Royal Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the United Presbyterian Church of Pottsville, Pottsville Free Public Library, Schuylkill County Council for the Arts, Trinity Episcopal Church for the upkeep of Charles Baber Cemetery, and the City of Pottsville Shade Tree Commission. More >
- Minersville Area High School Student Educational Fund
Distributions from this fund are used specifically to support Minersville Area High School students considered "at risk" during his/her high school years. A student shall be deemed "at risk" if it is determined that the student will be unable to graduate from Minersville Area High School because of adverse financial, social, familial, or psychological circumstances beyond the student's control as of the time of the analysis of those circumstances without the financial support available through this Fund.
- Mothers Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are used to maintain the Ashland Mothers Memorial and the site.
- North Schuylkill Team of Volunteer Home Care Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Diakon Volunteer Home Care for services in the North Schuylkill area. More >
- Northern Schuylkill Recreation Association Fund
Distributions from this fund will be made annually to the North Schuylkill Youth Soccer Association, Ruth Steinert Memorial SPCA, Hillside SPCA, and the Hawk Mountain Council of Boy Scouts of America, which shall use its distribution to provide direct support to scouting packs and troops drawing its members from the general Ashland-Gordon-Lavelle-Butler Township area.
- Nuremberg Community Ambulance Association Fund
The purpose of this Fund is to provide grants to volunteer ambulance service providers which provide ambulance service to the areas previously served by the Nuremberg Community Ambulance Association: North Union Township, Black Creek Township, Beaver Township, East Union Township and Hazle Township. A provider’s approval shall be verified by the Eastern PA EMS Council, located in Orefield, PA, or by the successor to that Council.
- The Opportunity Award Fund
The purpose of the Fund is to provide an annual award to a current year graduate of Tri Valley High School who has been accepted and plans to attend a post-secondary educational program which will qualify the individual for employment in a technical field but which will not necessarily lead to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree from a college or university. The phrase "technical field" shall include, but not be limited to architectural, automotive, carpentry, construction, automotive repair, software engineering, electrical, diesel, mechanical, electro-mechanical, electronic engineering, drafting, HVAC, metals, plumbing and welding technologies, business administration, computer and networking systems administration, and health care services not requiring a Bachelor's degree.
- Patricia Freeh-Stefanek Tamaqua Area Community Partnership Endowment Fund
Distributions are made to Tamaqua Area Community Partnership for such uses and purposes as determined by the organization. More >
- Paul M. Krukas Memorial Award Fund
This fund provides an award to graduating high school seniors of Mahanoy Area High School who actively participated in the high school's football program and/or golf program for at least two years, plans to enlist in the United States Navy or attend an institution of higher education, and had demonstrated good sportsmanship and leadership during his or her high school career. More >
- Pennsylvania Association for the Blind Endowment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Pennsylvania Association for the Blind to support the mission of the organization. More >
- Philip and Josephine Rosenkrantz Scholarship Fund
This fund provides a graduation award to a Schuylkill Haven Area School District graduating senior who plans to major in business at a college or university.
- Pottsville Catholic Alumni Fund
This fund provides an award to students entering their freshman year at Nativity B.V.M. High School. There are designated geographical boundaries for the residence of these students, covering the same areas as originally served by Pottsville Catholic High School. More >
- Pottsville Enrichment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Charles Baber Cemetery for improvements and functions which will benefit the citizens of Pottsville. More >
- Pottsville Lions Charities, Inc. Endowment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Pottsville Lions Charities, Inc. for such uses and purposes as determined by the organization. More >
- Rae Ann Lubold Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to the person in the Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing who is the Valedictorian of that class.
- Reidler Family Library Trust
Distributions from this fund are made to the Ashland Public Library.
- Richard and Mildred Sharp Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund will be made equally to the First United Methodist Church of Shamokin, the Shamokin High School Alumni Association, and the Shamokin/Coal Township Public Library. More >
- Richard W. and Dolores D. Adams Pine Grove Community Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Pine Grove Ambulance Association (EMS) and the Pine Grove Hose, Hook, and Ladder Company. More >
- Ringtown Area Library Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Ringtown Area Library for such uses and purposes as determined by the Library. More >
- Robert C. Fetterolf Memorial
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of North Schuylkill High School who is pursuing training leading to an R.N. diploma or a B.S.N. degree.
- Roy P. Steeley Music Scholarship Fund
This fund provides an award to the most deserving graduate of the North Schuylkill High School Band.
- Russell A. Frantz Memorial Award
Russell A. Frantz was a humble and kind man who truly wanted to help others and show his love and concern for everyone he knew. This award has been established in his memory to be awarded to a student who leads by example, who doesn’t seek out adoration, and who has the fortitude to do what’s right.
- Ruth A. Wagner Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of North Schuylkill High School, who is a resident of Butler Township, and who excels in physical education.
- Schuylkill Choral Society Fund
The distributions of this fund shall be given annually to the Schuylkill Choral Society for its general uses and purposes.
- Schuylkill Conservation District Endowment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Schuylkill Conservation District for such uses and purposes as determined by the organization. More >
- Schuylkill County Conservation and Environmental Improvement Endowment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Schuylkill County Commissioners to be expended by them in conformance with the Environmental Stewardship and Watershed Protection Act of 1999. More >
- Schuylkill County Historical Society Endowment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Schuylkill County Historical Society for such uses and purposes as the organization determines. More >
- Schuylkill County Medical Society Alliance Award Fund
This fund provides awards to various students throughout Schuylkill County who are pursuing a nursing career or who are majoring in an allied health career field. More >
- Schuylkill County Society for Crippled Children - McAdams Endowment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Schuylkill County Society for Crippled Children for such uses and purposes as determined by the organization.
- Schuylkill Haven Free Public Library Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Schuylkill Haven Free Public Library for such uses and purposes as determined by the Library. More >
- Schuylkill Haven Lions EMS Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Schuylkill Haven Area EMS for such uses and purposes as determined by the organization. More >
- Schuylkill Headwaters Association Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Schuylkill Headwaters Association for such uses and purposes as determined by the organization. More >
- Schuylkill Headwaters Association Watershed Conservation Award Fund
This fund provides an award to a graduating senior who has demonstrated a commitment to the community by participating in environmental or conservation projects and/or programs outside the classroom. More >
- The Schuylkill Intermediate Unit Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29 ("SIU") to fund projects and activities that support students enrolled in SIU programs and/or receiving SIU services.
- The Schuylkill Technology Center (STC) Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Schuylkill Technology Center to provide enhanced resources to improve technology and communications, specialized software, equipment and services for vocational education, additional training and capacity building with local business and industry.
- Schuylkill United Way Endowment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Schuylkill United Way for such uses and purposes as determined by the organization.
- Schuylkill Women In Crisis Endowment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Schuylkill Women In Crisis (SWIC) for such uses and purposes as the organization determines. More >
- Spartan Wrestling Boosters and Coaches 2004-2012 Award Fund
This fund provides an award to a graduating high school senior of North Schuylkill High School who wrestled Varsity in the high school's wrestling program for three years of his/her high school career and who meets the criteria established by the committe.
- St. Paul’s Historic Cemetery Endowment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Port Carbon for the sole purpose of maintenance, repair and improvement of the St. Paul’s Historic Cemetery located in Port Carbon, Pennsylvania. More >
- Stephen Fago Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of North Schuylkill High School who specialized in math or science, and an award to a student of the North Schuylkill Technical Center for his/her outstanding academic record. More >
- Susan B. Berezwick Memorial Education Award Fund
This fund provides an award to a graduating senior of Mahanoy Area High School who during his or her high school career has exhibited a commitment to education, sports and/or activities within school or in the community and plans to attend on a full time basis an institution of higher education.
- T. Stuart Goyne Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of North Schuylkill High School who has the second best record for excellence in mathematics.
- Tara M. Corson, Timothy R. Kimber and Joseph P. McGeoy Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of Pottsville Area School District who achieved a superior scholastic record and who participated extensively in some form of athletics.
- Tim Stine Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of Minersville Area High School who excels as a lineman on the football team. More >
- Tyler Sincavage Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Schuylkill Intermediate Unit #29 or its successor to support students with Low Incidence needs, as defined by the Schuylkill Intermediate Unit #29 Board of Directors, within the Multiple Disabilities, Life Skills and Autistic Support programs. More >
- Walk In Art Center Endowment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Walk In Art Center (WIAC) for such uses and purposes as approved by the WIAC's Board of Directors. More >
- Washington Fire Company Community Ambulance Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to the Ashland Washington Fire Company Community Ambulance for its use in providing ambulance service to the area.
- Wilfred C. La Voie Theatrical Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to Coach House Players Inc. for the organization's scholarship program. More >
- William J. Jones, Jr. Memorial Award Fund
This fund provides an award to graduating seniors of Mahanoy Area High School who during his or her high school career has exhibited a commitment to education, sports and/or activities within school or outside in the community and plans to attend on a full time basis an institution of higher education or military service. More >
- William J. "Rex" Roberts Memorial Fund
This fund provides an award to a member of the graduating class of the North Schuylkill High School who excels in English.
- Willow Park Fund
Distributions from this fund are used for repairs and maintenance of Willow Park, Ashland.
Field of Interest
- Ashland Area Scouting Fund
Distributions from this fund are used to provide both male and female scouts with equipment and help pay their expenses.
- Ashland Mutual Fire Insurance Company Fire & Safety Fund
Distributions from this fund are used to purchase equipment and supplies for fire fighting, fire prevention, or first aid, and for the attendance of firemen of Ashland at any fire fighting or prevention schools.
- Ben Franklin Trust
Distributions from this fund are used to benefit the public libraries of Schuylkill and neighboring counties.
- Charles Werner Endowment Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to organizations, churches, or public agencies' programs benefitting and educating children residing in Pine Grove Borough, Pine Grove Township, and Washington Township. More >
- Diversity Fund for Schuylkill County
Distributions from this fund are used for diversity educational programs and projects for the general population of Schuylkill County. More >
- Dr. Gail D. Mackey, VMD, DABVP Animal Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to individuals, organizations, and/or municipalities to foster the bond between animals and humans so as to improve the quality of life. More >
- Fenstermacher / Hadesty's Legacy Fund
Distributions from this fund are used for the health and human services sector. More >
- Isabelle Ross Mettam Performing Arts Fund
Distributions from this fund are used to promote and sponsor any activity associated with the performing arts, such as music, dance, theater, and all the variations thereof.
- John and Ann Snyder Outdoor Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to qualifying organizations which conduct, or will conduct, programs or activities in the Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania community promoting education concerning and/or the enjoyment of nature and the outdoors. More >
- The Nature Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to individuals, organizations, and/or municipalities engaged in protecting, preserving, and rehabilitating the environment and natural resources. More >
Donor Advised
- Arnold Delin Education Fund
The fund will support educational related projects or programs, including but not limited to the Youth Conference, Arnold Delin Awards Program, and trips to the Holocaust Museum for area high schools. Each year the Donor will recommend to the Foundation the qualified organizations, projects or programs which will receive the Fund’s annual earnings. More >
- Ashland Rotary Club Charitable Trust
The Ashland Rotary Club Charitable Trust recommends grants to charitable organizations.
- Carlyon Charitable Trust Fund
The donor recommends grants to charitable organizations.
- Fred V. Knecht Memorial Fund
The donors recommend grant recipients to qualified organizations, projects or programs principally serving one or more of the geographic areas which encompass the Blue Mountain School District, Schuylkill Haven Area School District, Pine Grove Area School District or Williams Valley School District. More >
- Friends of the St. Vincent DePaul Societies of Upper Schuylkill County Fund
The donor recommends grants to charitable organizations in Schuylkill County for the benefit of residents in the areas of Ashland, Frackville, Girardville, Gordon, Mahanoy City and Shenandoah.
- Human Services Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to organizations or activities which promote or engage in programs or activities which improve and enhance the quality of life in Schuylkill County as recommended by the Schuylkill County Department of Human Services.
- John C. and Helen M. Schreck Memorial Fund
The donor recommends grants to charitable organizations.
- Joseph A. Zane, Esq., Family Charitable Endowment Fund
The donor recommends grants to charitable organizations such as libraries and recreational resources in the Shenandoah and Schuylkill Haven areas; programs which strengthen families and family life; associations and groups which assist stroke victims and their families; programs which will protect and enhance nature, the environment and beauty of Schuylkill County; charitable activities of nonprofit cemeteries in Schuylkill County to maintain and preserve their dignity and historical value.
- Mabel and Harry Strouse Memorial Fund
The donor recommends grants to charitable organizations.
- Reidler Family Charitable Fund
The donor recommends grants to charitable organizations.
- Reidler Family Helping Hand Fund
The donor recommends grants to charitable organizations.
- Cornelius J. McFadden and Anna M. McFadden Memorial Trust Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to St. Joseph's Catholic Church and St. Mauritius Catholic Church, or its successor (which is currently St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church) Ashland, Ashland Public Library, Diakon Volunteer Home Care, and to projects as selected by the Directors.
- Eleanor B. Spencer Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are used to maintain, promote, and improve the welfare, health, education, employment, happiness, safety, and security of the citizens of the Ashland area.
- Elwood T. Bracey Fund
Distributions from this fund are used for any educational, charitable, scientific, or literary uses, and other purposes of a similar nature.
- Frank J. Pepper and Thomas J. Pepper Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are used to maintain, promote, and improve the welfare, health, education, employment, safety, and security of the citizens of the Ashland area.
- Friends of the Foundation Fund
Distributions from this fund are used for educational, charitable, scientific, or literary uses and purposes to qualified organizations. More >
- Laubenstein Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are used to maintain, promote, and improve the welfare, health, education, employment, safety, and security of the citizens of Ashland.
- Lauer Community Fund
Distributions from this fund are used to maintain, promote, and improve the welfare, health, education, employment, safety, and security of the citizens of Ashland.
- Marian E. Fenstermacher Memorial Fund
Distributions from this fund are made at the discretion of the Community Foundation's Board of Directors.
- The Citizens' National Bank of Ashland Community Fund
Distributions from this fund are used to maintain, promote, and improve the welfare, health, education, employment, happiness, safety, and security of the citizens of the Ashland area.
- Alice E. Kear Music Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to a member of the graduating class of Minersville Area High School and Pottsville Area High School who will major in the study of music.
- Billie Payne Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to the Schuylkill County high school senior who was crowned the Greater Pottsville Winter Carnival Snowflake Princess. More >
- Blaze Belfiore Memorial Scholarship Fund
Distributions from this fund are made to St. Joseph's Center for Special Learning in Pottsville for the tuition of students attending the Center. More >
- Butler Township High School Alumni Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to graduates of North Schuylkill High School who are residents of Butler Township.
- Carr-Willower Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to graduates of North Schuylkill High School, Cardinal Brennan High School graduates, and graduates of any Catholic high school who reside in the geographic areas served by the school districts of Mahanoy Area, North Schuylkill, and Shenandoah Valley who will major in the field of Education. More >
- The Cepheus Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund provides a scholarship to graduating high school seniors of Schuylkill Haven High School and/or Pottsville Area High School, who plan on attending an institution of higher education. Preference shall be given first to seniors who are currently or in the past were in the Schuylkill County Foster Care System, and second to seniors who participated in his or her school's soccer program during their high school career. More >
- Chester P. Steininger Memorial Fund (Accounting)
This fund provides scholarships to graduates of Nativity BVM High School who are attending or about to attend a college or university located in the United States and pursuing a four (4) year college degree in Accounting.
- Chester P. Steininger Memorial Fund (Medical)
This fund provides scholarships to a graduate of any Schuylkill County High School who is attending or about to attend an accredited medical school located in the United States. Preference shall be given to students who plan to specialize in the field of Oncology.
- Dorothy and Edward Clevenstine Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to members of the graduating class of Mount Carmel Area High School to attend a college/university where he/she will pursue a baccalaureate degree.
- Dorothy Wewer Narcovich Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to students who are members of St. Mauritius Roman Catholic Church or St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Ashland or its successor (which is currently St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church) and who will be attending any Catholic high school in Schuylkill County or the surrounding area. More >
- Dr. Robert Douglas Spencer Memorial Fund
This fund provides scholarships to graduates of North Schuylkill High School, Cardinal Brennan High School graduates, and graduates of any Catholic High School who reside in the geographic areas served by the school districts of Mahanoy Area, North Schuylkill, and Shenandoah Valley. Preference is given to the education and training of medical students, medical technicians, nurses and hospital administrators.
- Dr. Rudolph A. Constien Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to residents of the Borough of Ashland. Attendance may be at a college, university, graduate school, nursing school, trade or craft school, or for specialized training.
- Elizabeth K. Frank Memorial Music Fund
This fund provides scholarships to a graduating senior of the Pine Grove Area High School who plans to pursue musical study and training at either an accredited college or university or an accredited music school..
- FARM Youth Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to high school graduates for post-secondary education. Students must have shown an animal at the Schuylkill County Fair as a member of the Schuylkill County 4-H Club or Schuylkill County FFA Chapter. More >
- Francis J. Towey, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to graduating seniors of North Schuylkill High School with preference given to students who will attend Bloomsburg University and major in the Sciences. More >
- Fred G. Smith Golden Rule Scholarship Award Fund (Bloomsburg University)
The Golden Rule Fund was established by Mr. Fred G. Smith to financially assist students who plan to acquire a college education at Bloomsburg University. More >
- Fred G. Smith Golden Rule Scholarship Award Fund (Trade Schools)
The Golden Rule Fund was established by Mr. Fred G. Smith to financially assist students who plan to acquire a trade school education. More >
- Frederick T. Kull and Betty A. Kull Memorial Fund
This fund provides scholarships to graduates of North Schuylkill High School who in college are majoring in mathematics or biological or physical sciences.
- Frederick T. Kull and Betty A. Kull Scholar-Athlete Fund
This fund provides scholarships to graduates of North Schuylkill High School who in high school achieved a superior scholastic record and who participated extensively in some form of athletics including cheerleading.
- The Genevieve Heisler Eubanks Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to graduating seniors of Schuylkill Haven High School who will continue their education in nursing.
- Hunter William Renninger Memorial Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to graduating seniors of Minersville Area High School and/or to graduating seniors of Blue Mountain High School, who throughout their high school career has demonstrated a profound respect for their school and local communities and fostered the development of similar attributes in others. More >
- Huntzinger-Schadel Family Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to students of the graduating class of Tri-Valley High School.
- James and Regina Buffington Scholarship Fund
This fund provides one annual scholarship to a member of the graduating class of Minersville Area High School, or its successor High School, pursuing post-secondary education in the field of auto mechanics, and one annual scholarship to a member of the graduating class of Mahanoy Area High School, or its successor High School, pursing post-secondary education in the field of health sciences.
- James D. Collins Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to students of the graduating class of the Mahanoy Area School District and the Tamaqua Area School District. More >
- The James J. and Mary Edith Rhoades Scholarship Fund
Provides annual scholarships to qualified Schuylkill County High School seniors planning to further their education. Students must exhibit a commitment to education, citizenship and community. More >
- John Rich Curran Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to qualifying graduates of Schuylkill County's public, private, and parochial high schools who meet established criteria.
- Joyce M. Stankavage, R.N. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to graduates of Shenandoah Valley High School enrolled in the nursing program at the Joseph F. McCloskey School of Nursing. More >
- Lavelle AMVETS Post #156 Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to students who are graduating seniors or graduates of North Schuylkill High School, who will be attending or are attending an institution of higher education and, has a parent or spouse who is serving in the armed forces on active duty at the time of his or her application.
- Lewis M. and Frederic J. Koch Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to a member of the graduating class of Schuylkill Haven Area High School who has overcome personal or academic adversity, exhibits leadership skills, and demonstrates good moral character.
- Mahanoy City Visiting Nurse Association Scholarship Fund
The earnings of this Fund will be distributed as scholarships annually to graduating high school seniors of Mahanoy Area High School or its successor high school to attend an accredited institution of higher education in the medical field. Preference shall be given to students enrolled in a nursing program.
- Marian P. Brennan Scholarship Fund
This fund provides a scholarship to a graduating senior of Tri-Valley High School who will attend an accredited institution of higher learning and major in Education with preference given to an Elementary Education major.
- Marie Bossler Phi Delta Kappa Kutztown Chapter Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to graduating seniors of any Schuylkill County and Berks County high schools who are pursuing post-secondary education and major in Education.
- Martha M. and Michael J. Herbert, M.D. Charitable Trust
Distributions from this fund are made to the Minersville Public Library, St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic School, Minersville Area School District, and provides scholarships to graduates of Minersville Area High School and Nativity B.V.M. High School.
- Mary I. Kull Memorial Fund
This fund provides scholarships to residents of the Borough of Ashland to further their education for a nursing career or enrolled in a training program for a career to care for persons who have a condition that restricts one's ability to function physically, mentally or socially.
- The Meredith J. Barnhart, Ph.D Memorial Scholarship Fund
This Fund provides an annual scholarship to a current year graduate of Minersville Area High School who has been active in Minersville Area High School activities, plans to attend a college or university, and who, in order of priority, either intends to pursue a degree in social work or grief/trauma counseling, has been diagnosed with cancer at any time in his or her life prior to the time of his or her application, or intends to pursue a degree in mathematics. More >
- Michael A. Klembara Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund provides annual scholarships to current year graduates who demonstrate exceptional citizenship or sportsmanship. More >
- Pfluger-Przybylik Family Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to a graduating senior of the Shenandoah Valley High School to major in a technical field such as accounting, computer technology, business, or engineering.
- Philadelphia General Hospital Blockley School of Nursing Fund
This fund provides scholarships to eligible students of any Schuylkill County high school who plans to attend or is attending an accredited institution of higher education majoring in the nursing field, including but not limited to Certified Nursing Assistant, Licensed Practical Nurse, and Registered Nurse. More >
- Pottsville Lions Charities, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to high school graduates who reside in the Pottsville Area School District who are going to study in either the field of health care or in the field of automotive industry. More >
- Ralph W. Morgan Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund provides a scholarship to a high school graduate from a Schuylkill County secondary school who completed a program of study at the Schuylkill Technology Center and plans to pursue a technical career at a post-secondary accredited institution.
- Raymond L. & Jean D. Tilmont Memorial Fund
Provides scholarships to a member of St. Mauritius Roman Catholic parish or St. Joseph Roman Catholic parish, Ashland or its successor (which is currently St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church) who will be attending any Catholic High School in Schuylkill County.
- Richard W. and Dolores D. Adams Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to students of the graduating class of Pine Grove Area High School based on financial need.
- Rotary Club of Hegins-Valley View Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to eligible members of the graduating class of Tri-Valley High School who are pursuing further education toward a career in the Skilled Trades.
- Ryan Paul Stankavage Memorial Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to graduating seniors of Shenandoah Valley High School who have participated in the sport of soccer. More >
- Schuylkill Elder Abuse Prevention Alliance Scholarship Fund
Provides scholarships to one or more individuals who are enrolled in a post-secondary educational program, course, or course of study which focuses on the physical, psychological or financial protection and wellbeing of the elderly. Eligibility shall be limited to individuals who live or work in Schuylkill County or who are graduates of a Schuylkill County high school.
- Schuylkill Haven Lions Community Charities Healthcare Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to eligible students who are employees or volunteers of the Schuylkill Haven Area EMS or graduates of the Schuylkill Haven Area School District or the Blue Mountain School District to attend institutions of higher education. More >
- Shirley Manbeck Veterinary Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to Schuylkill County students who graduate from college and have been accepted by a Veterinary School of Medicine with preference given to those residents who graduated from either Tamaqua Area, Pine Grove Area, or Schuylkill Haven Area High School. More >
- Stephen and John Kocis Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to members of the graduating class of Mount Carmel Area High School to attend a trade, technical, or business school.
- United Steel Workers of America, Goulds Pumps Local 14372, Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to children, stepchildren, and adopted children, and to grandchildren, stepgrandchildren, and adopted grandchildren of the present members, and also of former members, now retired, of the United Steel Workers of America, Goulds Pumps Local No. 14372.
- Warren and Marcella Stutzman Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund provides scholarships to students of the graduating class of Tri-Valley High School. The graduate selected shall be chosen primarily based upon athletic achievements, with secondary consideration given to scholastic achievement, leadership ability, and community involvement.